Tourism Data

Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS)

Tourism Tasmania’s Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS) is a long-running exit survey that provides a profile of the characteristics, travel behaviour and expenditure of international and domestic visitors to Tasmania. The TVS is administered by Roy Morgan Research on behalf of Tourism Tasmania. Note that Tasmanians are excluded from the TVS figures.

The survey is acknowledged as the most reliable source of statistical data on visitors to Tasmania, being based on an exit sample of around 9,000 visitors to Tasmania each year. As an island, visitors are counted as they depart from Tasmania’s air and sea ports – a real advantage for data collection.

Please note the following details due to COVID-19 impacts: The TVS was in-field collecting data in November & December 2020, January to September 2021. Therefore the year ending September 2021 period contains 11 months of data: November 2020 to September 2021. Since the TVS was paused in 2020 due to COVID-19, then restarted in late October 2020, therefore, comparing the current and previous years’ data should be treated with caution.

Further information regarding the TVS can be found via Tourism Tasmania’s Corporate website, including a copy of the TVS questionnaire.

Please find links below to the latest data released by Tourism Tasmania


National Visitor Survey (NVS)

The NVS is administered by Tourism Research Australia (TRA). Details of the methodology can be found via the TRA website.

Tourism Tasmania reports on the NVS statistics for travel behaviour of Tasmanians within their home state(intrastate visitation). Overall Tasmania (whole of state level) NVS data also features in our Tasmanian Tourism Snapshot.

Importantly, Tourism Tasmania only utilise intrastate data from the NVS, reporting on Tasmanian travel behaviour.

  • Because the Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS) is a robust, long-running survey capturing domestic and international visitation to Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania consistently uses TVS data when reporting total and domestic visitor figures for Tasmania.


Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts (RTSA)

Tourism Research Australia’s (TRA) Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts (RTSA) data is reported in financial year periods. RTSA data highlight the importance and magnitude of economic impact that tourism extends in a state or region. This is consistently reported by Tourism Tasmania, and also used across other states and territories.

For further information on the methodologies of the RTSA and State Tourism Satellite Accounts (STSA) administered by TRA, please see the following sites:


AirDNA: short-stay accommodation

Tourism Tasmania currently subscribes to AirDNA for short-stay accommodation data, assisting our monitoring of the tourism sector’s recovery. This includes data from Airbnb and VRBO.
The data provided to you Rhonda was obtained from a web platform that we can access, where we can search for aggregated accommodation data for postcodes and LGAs within Tasmania. This website data captures information for all active listings – including entire properties, as well as part of a property, such as a room booked within a single property.

An overview of how this data is collected is summarised by AirDNA on their website.


Further, Tourism Tasmania also receives forward-looking booking data for Tasmania as a whole, and 14 tailored regions across Tasmania. All data contained in these forward-looking data reporting is for entire properties – that is, the whole property that is listed is booked. These are outlined in the following reports by Tourism Tasmania:

  • Tasmanian Tourism Snapshot – latest is YE March 2024. This is updated quarterly.
  • TVS Analyser dashboard – provides the latest TVS data at your fingertips


If you have any further queries please contact [email protected]


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The Tasmanian tourism industry acknowledges the Tasmanian Aboriginal people and their enduring custodianship of lutruwita / Tasmania. We honour 40,000 years of uninterrupted care, protection and belonging to these islands, before the invasion and colonisation of European settlement. As a tourism industry that welcomes visitors to these lands, we acknowledge our responsibility to represent to our visitors Tasmania’s deep and complex history, fully, respectfully and truthfully. We acknowledge the Aboriginal people who continue to care for this country today. We pay our respects to their elders, past and present. We honour their stories, songs, art, and culture, and their aspirations for the future of their people and these lands. We respectfully ask that tourism be a part of that future.