Tasmanian Tourism Awards Coaching

Following the success of our Tasmanian Tourism Awards Coaching Program last year, we again invite our members to access complimentary one-on-one coaching through the submission and application process in 2024.

Michaela Lamprey will again coach participants. Last year eight participants worked with Michaela on their submission, with all eight achieving finalist status and six placing at the awards gala – an outstanding result for first time entrants!

There is no fee for coaching but entrants must pay the entry fee to submit their award application through the TICT website


To participate in this program, entrants must be able to attend and meet all below deadlines in addition to participating in all TICT lead information sessions/webinars/workshops in addition to remaining engaged in the ECTT provided coaching.

Entrants must not have previously won a gold award in the Tasmanian Tourism Awards (unless business has had a change of ownership).

Benefits of entering:

The benefits of entering are many. The questions on the submission form guide entrants into taking the time to review the goals they have set for their business, analyse results, identify and celebrate achievements and consider any weaknesses for improvement.
This all helps with planning for the next year, and making their business even better. It is a great opportunity for our small business owners in the region to spend some time working on your business rather than in your business – an opportunity that doesn’t come along every day during peak tourist season!

There is also the potential of winning a highly respected state award to add to promoting your business.

Potential of winning national award to add to promoting your business.

Raises the profile of outstanding operations and highlights the East Coast as an excellent tourism destination.

Deeper engagement and connection with East Coast tourism industry, operators, the RTO and other tourism stakeholders.

Phone Interviews

A brief phone call with Michaela Lamprey to be held the week commencing 6 May, to discuss your application and determine suitability for entry.

Tourism Awards Applications Close

Friday 10 May

First one-on-one phone session

12-17th May

Site Visits

Michaela to schedule site visits on East Coast to meet with operators week commencing 26th May – depending on operator availability.

First Draft Due

Wednesday 7 July

This gives applicants 8 weeks to get a first draft together. ML will provide support to applicants leading up to this deadline

First Draft Feedback Returned

No later than Monday 17 July

Ongoing mentoring

Second Draft Due

Wednesday 7 August

Second Draft Feedback Returned

No later than Monday 12 August

Ongoing Mentoring

Final Draft Due

Tuesday 19 August ahead of final submission deadline of 28 August.

Finalist announcements

Mid October – TICT to host industry function at East Coast Venue, location TBA. Open to all entrants and local tourism operators and community to attend

Tas Tourism Awards Gala Dinner

Early November – Finalist invited to attend



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The Tasmanian tourism industry acknowledges the Tasmanian Aboriginal people and their enduring custodianship of lutruwita / Tasmania. We honour 40,000 years of uninterrupted care, protection and belonging to these islands, before the invasion and colonisation of European settlement. As a tourism industry that welcomes visitors to these lands, we acknowledge our responsibility to represent to our visitors Tasmania’s deep and complex history, fully, respectfully and truthfully. We acknowledge the Aboriginal people who continue to care for this country today. We pay our respects to their elders, past and present. We honour their stories, songs, art, and culture, and their aspirations for the future of their people and these lands. We respectfully ask that tourism be a part of that future.