Industry Q&A

We welcome your questions and feedback. At the core of everything we do, is our connection to the operators on the East Coast of Tasmania – so this Q&A section is for you.

What does East Coast Tasmania Tourism (ECTT) do?

ECTT’s role is, in partnership with our Councils and the State Government, to develop and implement a clear strategic direction to achieve positive and sustainable outcomes for the visitor economy and communities on the East Coast of Tasmania.


Who are the points of contact at ECTT?

CEO – Grace Keath
[email protected]

Marketing Support – Kiley Hay
[email protected]

Industry Support Officer – Sally Taylor
[email protected]


What is ECTT’s role in the marketing direction for the East Coast of Tasmania?

ECTT continually works with partners to maximise the potential in the marketing of the East Coast.

During 2020, and due to the circumstances surrounding COVID, it was important that we stayed ‘on brand’ with Tourism Tasmania, in the marketing of the many elements of the East Coast. We worked closely with Tourism Tasmania in the development of all the campaigns and will continue to do so through the recovery. This involves recommendations and provision of themes, experiences, products and engagement with Industry.

We will build on the strength of our own East Coast voice via our website, consumer communications, social media and promotional collateral.


How do I as an East Coast Industry operator communicate with other East Coast Industry Operators?

You can use our Facebook Industry Group to share communication, ask questions and start industry-related discussions with us and other industry operators.

You might like to share insights or ask for industry input about topics such as current trade, visitation numbers, ideas and opportunities or share general community announcements such as road closures and road works.


Other than my own website and social media, where can I promote my events, offers or general information about my business?

We have a number of options to help you in the promotion of your business, events and offers:

  • Facebook Shines Group – this a public Facebook group open to anyone. Post as often as you like to promote your business, events and offers, answer questions and get involved in conversations.
  • ECTT Event Calendar – submit your event on our events calendar or email Kiley at [email protected]. We promote events in our monthly consumer newsletter to over 4,100 subscribers, as well as on our Facebook Shines Group.
  • ATDW Listing – list your business for FREE and ensure you regularly update your listing on ATDW. You will be featured throughout an extensive distribution network of Australian tourism partner websites, but most importantly, on Discover Tasmania and East Coast Tasmania Tourism websites.


I have recently updated or made changes to my business and have information/photos I wish to share. How can I share these?

We would love to hear about any updates or new things happening about your business! Please send any information, details, images and photos to Kiley at [email protected]


We are no longer managing two properties in our portfolio, how do we remove these from the ECTT web site and add a new property to our listings?

As Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) feeds both East Coast Tasmania and Discover Tasmania websites, you are able to make any necessary changes and updates to your business listings yourself via your ATDW account.
  • For the two properties that you have recently sold and will no longer be available for rent, these listings need to be removed from ATDW. To do this, log in to your ATDW account, and request that the current listing be disabled
  • For your new property that you have acquired, you will need to create a new listing on ATDW. Simply log into your ATDW account, and add the a new listing with the new details and photos.
  • In the case of change of ownership, you will need to contact Jen Hayward from Tourism Tasmania. In this instance, the existing listing remains in place and transferred over to the new organisation.
  • If you are changing the name of your business, all you have to do is log in and change the name in the business title because their organisation will remain the same.
If you need any assistance using the ATDW portal, please contact Sally [email protected]


I need some help with marketing my business digitally. Are there any free support programs that I can participate in?

If you’re ready to grow your business by taking the next step online or using social media, the Digital Ready for Business program is here to help. Click here for more information.


Is it really worth listing on ATDW, I don’t seem to be getting any bookings from it…. they all just come from my website/booking button.

The simple answer is YES. (Keep reading if you’d like more clarity).

You list your own preferred booking URL on your ATDW listing, (Booking Button, V3, Res Online etc) so unless you are regularly examining where your website / booking button traffic is coming from (usually though Google Analytics), the ATDW referrals are not obvious. It’s a part of the plan. They don’t want to take your money, they just want to send you business.

Remember: ATDW isn’t a booking a channel, it’s a referral channel. It is adding your information to multiple websites and channels, most locally East Coast Tasmania and Discover Tasmania, but it’s actually working worldwide, and one day – the borders will open up and you will want that exposure too.


I have a holiday accommodation, I also run a bike tour, but I can only select one category on my ATDW listing, which one do I choose?

Each ATDW listing can only contain 1 product per ATDW category. Your business can have multiple listings provided they are listed in the correct and relevant category for their business type. Please refer to the ATDW Operator Listing Guidelines for ATDW inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Let’s use “Uncle Bob’s Business of Everything” as an example. Uncle Bob has self-contained holiday accommodation, but he also runs MTB bike tours during the day, provides a taxi service in the evenings and once a year hosts a boutique blues and roots festival. (Bob’s Blues Bash).

Uncle Bob would have 4 x ATDW listings, one in each of the following categories:

  • Accommodation
  • Tour
  • Transport
  • Event

Remember – every listing helps to build out your business profile online and every listing is free.